
Full-Time Executive

Full-Time Executive Sourcing

$25,000 (50% upfront + 50% upon search close)

Bolster will source unlimited slates of candidates from inside and outside of the Bolster network, confirm availability and qualifications, and make introductions until you find your executive hire.

Full-Time Executive Search

$75,000 (50% upfront + 50% upon search close)

Bolster will curate lists of candidates from inside and outside of the Bolster network, vet thoroughly, provide candidate write-ups, perform reference checks, and make warm introductions until you find your executive hire.

Board Roles

Assisted Search

50% upfront + 50% upon search close

  • Company < $10mm revenue = $10,000 total
  • Company between $10mm - $20mm in revenue = $20,000 total
  • Company > $20mm in revenue = $30,000 total

Bolster will source a slate of candidates from inside and outside of the Bolster network, confirm availability, and make introductions.

On-Demand Executive

Fractional, Interim & Project Assisted Search

$1,000 upfront + 20% markup

$1,000 credit will be applied toward 20% markup upon selection of candidate

Bolster will provide a slate of candidates, confirm availability, and make introductions. Bolster will manage contractor payments and 1099 creation.

Mentor & Coach Assisted Search

$1,000 upfront + $1,500 upon selection of candidate

Bolster will provide a slate of candidates, confirm availability, and make introductions.

Please note, as outlined in our Terms of Service, if you source an executive through Bolster, you agree that you will not circumvent the required fees by using Member profiles and information to contract with Members outside the Bolster relationship.